Real Results

Untouched Before and After photos

* true testimonials *


Amy H. used to use organic products from spas and health food stores. This is 9 days after she switched to Mee Ra Rituals.

“Anna has managed to find the key to the ‘one size fits all’ to skin care. Don’t be mistaken by small bottles, products are concentrated formulas with potent ingredients—no need to slather…all you need are the identified amounts in your suggested regimen. It’s my amazing, simplified, clean skin care ritual routine that takes 1-2 minutes in AM and PM. It’s great for every type of skin including sensitive skin, uber-moisturizing, and has not disappointed w/it’s highly effective formula. Her products are unique, effective, and keeps my skin supple while fighting dullness, texture, aging, and keeps blemishes at bay.” -CP

My skin changed completely with this wonderful line. Thanks to the Exfoliating Tonic, Hydrating Emulsion Spray, Purifying Oil, and Brightening Night Cream, my skin is clear and dewy! -Anais E.

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“Before I met Anna and was introduced to her line, I probably spent hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on all different kinds of beauty/skin care products. I have always had dull, dry, acne-prone skin. After about a week or two of using these products (all 5 together), I noticed an immediate and drastic change. I was GLOWING! My favorite part is that I can run out of the house wearing zero concealer or powder and feel confident about it. I no longer have to purchase any eye serums/creams either because the Radiant Night Oil has completely eliminated the dark puffy circles under my eyes.” - Stephanie R.

Adore the Mee Ra skin care products and Anna's facials. They've literally changed my skin. I used to have many fine lines and wrinkles and various other skin things that made me insecure about my appearance. After working with Anna over 6+ months, my entire face has changed - it's so much healthier and I am incredibly more confident in any situation. Acupuncture facials are the best thing I've discovered in skin care.

- Elizabeth B.


Jillian used to use a prescription topical antibiotic mixed with organic products from spas and department stores. This is one week after she switched to her customized Mee Ra Ritual.

I've been using Mee Ra Rituals for the past 6-8 weeks, and my skin is glowing! I have noticed very obvious improvement in the tone, clarity, and smoothness of my skin. I feel more confident without makeup now. My skin looks and feels like that of a much younger person, and the discolorations that have occurred over time are starting to disappear. I'm loving the results from Mee Ra Rituals. -Lori J. E.

I cherish my sessions with Anna. Her knowledge of the body (physical and emotional) always blows me away and the work she does is solid and very restorative. I see her on a regular basis and the health of my body and mind has only become more vibrant. I highly recommend Anna! -Sarah B.


“My skin just started to clear up two days ago and it’s literally right before my period so your stuff is def working its magic.” -Sarah M.

There are no words to describe my experience with Anna. From the wealth of knowledge that pours out of her to helping me with everything from specific ailments to glowing skin to being stuck in my head, she's the real deal. She's also incredibly patient and offers herbs, diet specifications, and exercises that I can maintain myself at home for self-care and longevity of her treatments. I've also fully transitioned to her skincare line and the results have been incredible! -Jen T.

Anna and her products have truly changed my skin tone, texture and appearance, so much so that my teenage daughters, and dermatologist have commented on how glowing, restful and refreshing I look. I was using another clean, very high end product line, and quickly ditched it once I saw the level of nourishment and anti-aging benefits of MeeRa Rituals products. -Sheryl R.